The Top Causes of AC Unit Failure and How to Prevent Them

As an expert in the field of air conditioning, I have encountered numerous cases of AC unit failure. While there are various reasons why an AC unit may stop working, there are a few common causes that seem to occur more frequently than others. In this article, I will discuss these common causes and provide some tips on how to prevent them from happening.

Inadequate Maintenance

One of the most common reasons for AC unit failure is inadequate maintenance. Neglecting to clean or replace your air conditioner's filters and coils can lead to a host of problems.

Not only will the unit not work properly, but the compressor and fans are also likely to fail prematurely. To avoid this, it is crucial to follow the manufacturer's recommendations for filter maintenance. Some filters need to be changed monthly, while others can last up to three months. If you have reusable filters, make sure to clean them regularly. You can easily tell if a filter needs to be cleaned by holding it up to the light. If no light passes through, it's time for a cleaning.

Dirty filters not only reduce airflow, but they can also cause the unit to freeze up. Additionally, make sure that your thermostat is turned on and set to the correct temperature, and that the unit is not affected by sunlight or other external factors.

Clogged Drain Line

Another common issue that can lead to AC unit failure is a clogged Drain Line. Over time, dirt, dust, and lint can build up in the drain line and cause it to become clogged. This can result in water leaking out of the drain pan and potentially damaging your unit or surrounding areas. If you notice any leaks or water buildup around your unit, it's important to have a professional technician examine the drain line and clean it if necessary.

Ignoring this issue can lead to more serious problems, such as internal damage to the compressor.

Faulty Thermostat

If your AC unit is running on short cycles and your home feels warmer than usual, the culprit may be a faulty thermostat. Depending on the size of your home, the location of vents, and the outside temperature, some areas may not receive adequate cooling from the unit. In this case, it's important to have a professional technician check and potentially replace the thermostat.

Refrigerant Leak

A Refrigerant Leak is another common problem that can impair the efficiency of your AC unit. It's important to regularly check for leaks and have them repaired by a professional technician.

Additionally, make sure to clean or replace your filters every two weeks during peak season and change them every two months.

Condenser Issues

The condenser is a crucial component of your AC unit, as it gives the motor an initial boost to start running. If there are any issues with the condenser, it can cause the unit to fail. One way to prevent this is by regularly cleaning or replacing your filters to avoid clogs. If you notice any strange noises coming from your AC unit, it's important to have a professional technician diagnose and repair the issue. Attempting to fix it yourself can lead to further damage and potentially cost you more in the long run.

Regular Maintenance is Key

In conclusion, inadequate maintenance is the most common cause of AC unit failure.

By regularly cleaning or replacing filters, checking for leaks, and having a professional technician examine your unit annually, you can prevent many of these issues from occurring. Remember, it's always better to be proactive and address any potential problems before they become major headaches.